In my nearly two years of building on the web I have encountered both good and bad teachers. (in my opinion) I do not mean bad that there is nothing to learn from them. I feel we can all learn something from everyone.
To be a good internet teacher (in my opinion) is to, except the students invitation to view the progress their student has made. To offer constructive criticism to said student then do a follow up perhaps giving said student a good review or comment. I have several Good Internet Teachers that I allow to teach me. People who offer the advice and criticism I need to become successful online. They have unsurpassed resources available no matter the direction they point me. Which are full of the information I am seeking, with links to even more resources. Never asking or expecting anything in return. Not to say that they don't have some program resource, or service they would like for you to purchase. Good Teachers allow you to make your own decision(s) on the information that will suit your needs.
To be a bad internet teacher (in my opinion) is to sharing knowledge with your students seeking self gratifacation or financial gain. Ie; they say sign up for this for "free". So you do the next page tells you thanks for joining if you pay $xx.xx today you can save $xxx.xx. Or, they keep sending emails saying "what are you waiting for" upgrade today.
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